API Documentation
- GETList customers
- POSTCreate customer
- GETFetch customer by external ID
- PUTUpdate customer by external ID
- GETFetch customer costs by external ID
- POSTUpdate payment methods from payment provider
- GETFetch customer
- PUTUpdate customer
- DELDelete customer
- GETList balance transactions
- POSTCreate customer balance transaction
- GETFetch customer costs
- POSTUpdate payment methods from payment provider
- GETFetch customer credit balance by external customer id
- GETFetch customer credits ledger by external ID
- POSTCreate ledger entry by external ID
- GETList top-ups by external ID
- POSTCreate top-up by external ID
- DELDeactivate top-up by external ID
- GETFetch customer credit balance
- GETFetch customer credits ledger
- POSTCreate ledger entry
- GETList top-ups
- POSTCreate top-up
- DELDeactivate top-up
Dimensional Price Group
- GETList subscriptions
- POSTCreate subscription
- GETFetch subscription
- PUTUpdate subscription
- POSTCancel subscription
- GETFetch subscription costs
- GETFetch subscription schedule
- POSTSchedule plan change
- POSTTrigger phase
- POSTUnschedule subscription cancellation
- POSTUnschedule fixed fee quantity updates
- POSTUnschedule plan change
- POSTUpdate price quantity
- POSTUpdate trial for subscription
- GETFetch subscription usage
Price interval
List prices
This endpoint is used to list all add-on prices created using the price creation endpoint.
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.withorb.com/v1/prices \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"data": [
"metadata": {},
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"external_price_id": "<string>",
"price_type": "usage_price",
"model_type": "unit",
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"cadence": "one_time",
"billing_cycle_configuration": {
"duration": 123,
"duration_unit": "day"
"invoicing_cycle_configuration": {
"duration": 123,
"duration_unit": "day"
"billable_metric": {
"id": "<string>"
"dimensional_price_configuration": {
"dimensional_price_group_id": "<string>",
"dimension_values": [
"fixed_price_quantity": 123,
"plan_phase_order": 123,
"currency": "<string>",
"conversion_rate": 123,
"item": {
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>"
"credit_allocation": {
"currency": "<string>",
"allows_rollover": true
"discount": {
"discount_type": "percentage",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"reason": "<string>",
"percentage_discount": 0.15
"minimum": {
"minimum_amount": "<string>",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"minimum_amount": "<string>",
"maximum": {
"maximum_amount": "<string>",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"maximum_amount": "<string>",
"unit_config": {
"unit_amount": "<string>"
"pagination_metadata": {
"has_more": true,
"next_cursor": "<string>"
API Keys can be issued in the Orb's web application.
Query Parameters
The number of items to fetch. Defaults to 20.
1 <= x <= 100
Cursor for pagination. This can be populated by the next_cursor
value returned from the initial request.
The Price resource represents a price that can be billed on a subscription, resulting in a charge on an invoice in the form of an invoice line item. Prices take a quantity and determine an amount to bill.
Orb supports a few different pricing models out of the box. Each of these models is serialized differently in a given Price object. The model_type field determines the key for the configuration object that is present.
For more on the types of prices, see the core concepts documentation
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
, fixed_price
, monthly
, quarterly
, semi_annual
, annual
, custom
List of price_ids that this discount applies to. For plan/plan phase discounts, this can be a subset of prices.
["h74gfhdjvn7ujokd", "7hfgtgjnbvc3ujkl"]
Only available if discount_type is percentage
. This is a number between 0 and 1.
0 <= x <= 1
Rate per unit of usage
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://api.withorb.com/v1/prices \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"data": [
"metadata": {},
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"external_price_id": "<string>",
"price_type": "usage_price",
"model_type": "unit",
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"cadence": "one_time",
"billing_cycle_configuration": {
"duration": 123,
"duration_unit": "day"
"invoicing_cycle_configuration": {
"duration": 123,
"duration_unit": "day"
"billable_metric": {
"id": "<string>"
"dimensional_price_configuration": {
"dimensional_price_group_id": "<string>",
"dimension_values": [
"fixed_price_quantity": 123,
"plan_phase_order": 123,
"currency": "<string>",
"conversion_rate": 123,
"item": {
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>"
"credit_allocation": {
"currency": "<string>",
"allows_rollover": true
"discount": {
"discount_type": "percentage",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"reason": "<string>",
"percentage_discount": 0.15
"minimum": {
"minimum_amount": "<string>",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"minimum_amount": "<string>",
"maximum": {
"maximum_amount": "<string>",
"applies_to_price_ids": [
"maximum_amount": "<string>",
"unit_config": {
"unit_amount": "<string>"
"pagination_metadata": {
"has_more": true,
"next_cursor": "<string>"