Get event volume
This endpoint returns the event volume for an account in a paginated list format.
The event volume is aggregated by the hour and the timestamp field is used to determine which hour an event is associated with. Note, this means that late-arriving events increment the volume count for the hour window the timestamp is in, not the latest hour window.
Each item in the response contains the count of events aggregated by the hour where the start and end time are hour-aligned and in UTC. When a specific timestamp is passed in for either start or end time, the response includes the hours the timestamp falls in.
API Keys can be issued in the Orb's web application.
Query Parameters
The number of items to fetch. Defaults to 20.
1 < x < 100
Cursor for pagination. This can be populated by the next_cursor
value returned from the initial request.
The start of the timeframe, inclusive, in which to return event volume. All datetime values are converted to UTC time. If the specified time isn't hour-aligned, the response includes the event volume count for the hour the time falls in.
The end of the timeframe, exclusive, in which to return event volume. If not specified, the current time is used. All datetime values are converted to UTC time.If the specified time isn't hour-aligned, the response includes the event volumecount for the hour the time falls in.
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