Fetch subscription costs
This endpoint is used to fetch a day-by-day snapshot of a subscription’s costs in Orb, calculated by applying pricing information to the underlying usage (see the subscription usage endpoint to fetch usage per metric, in usage units rather than a currency).
The semantics of this endpoint exactly mirror those of fetching a customer’s costs. Use this endpoint to limit your analysis of costs to a specific subscription for the customer (e.g. to de-aggregate costs when a customer’s subscription has started and stopped on the same day).
API Keys can be issued in the Orb's web application.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Costs returned are inclusive of timeframe_start
Costs returned are exclusive of timeframe_end
Controls whether Orb returns cumulative costs since the start of the billing period, or incremental day-by-day costs. If your customer has minimums or discounts, it's strongly recommended that you use the default cumulative behavior.
, cumulative
The currency or custom pricing unit to use.
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