API Documentation
- GETFetch customer credit balance by external customer id
- GETFetch customer credits ledger by external ID
- POSTCreate ledger entry by external ID
- GETList top-ups by external ID
- POSTCreate top-up by external ID
- DELDelete top-up by external ID
- GETFetch customer credit balance
- GETFetch customer credits ledger
- POSTCreate ledger entry
- GETList top-ups
- POSTCreate top-up
- DELDelete top-up
Dimensional Price Group
- GETList subscriptions
- POSTCreate subscription
- GETFetch subscription
- PUTUpdate subscription
- POSTCancel subscription
- GETFetch subscription costs
- GETFetch subscription schedule
- POSTSchedule plan change
- POSTTrigger phase
- POSTUnschedule subscription cancellation
- POSTUnschedule fixed fee quantity updates
- POSTUnschedule plan change
- POSTUpdate price quantity
- POSTUpdate trial for subscription
- GETFetch subscription usage
Price interval
List dimensional price groups
API Keys can be issued in the Orb's web application.
Query Parameters
The number of items to fetch. Defaults to 20.
1 < x < 1000
Cursor for pagination. This can be populated by the next_cursor
value returned from the initial request.
The billable metric associated with this dimensional price group. All prices associated with this dimensional price group will be computed using this billable metric.
The dimensions that this dimensional price group is defined over
An alias for the dimensional price group
User specified key-value pairs for the resource. If not present, this defaults to an empty dictionary. Individual keys can be removed by setting the value to null
, and the entire metadata mapping can be cleared by setting metadata
to null
The name of the dimensional price group
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