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Fetch subscription usage

This endpoint is used to fetch a subscription's usage in Orb. Especially when combined with optional query parameters, this endpoint is a powerful way to build visualizations on top of Orb's event data and metrics.

With no query parameters specified, this endpoint returns usage for the subscription's current billing period across each billable metric that participates in the subscription. Usage quantities returned are the result of evaluating the metric definition for the entirety of the customer's billing period.

Default response shape

Orb returns a data array with an object corresponding to each billable metric. Nested within this object is a usage array which has a quantity value and a corresponding timeframe_start and timeframe_end. The quantity value represents the calculated usage value for the billable metric over the specified timeframe (inclusive of the timeframe_start timestamp and exclusive of the timeframe_end timestamp).

Orb will include every window in the response starting from the beginning of the billing period, even when there were no events (and therefore no usage) in the window. This increases the size of the response but prevents the caller from filling in gaps and handling cumbersome time-based logic.

The query parameters in this endpoint serve to override this behavior and provide some key functionality, as listed below. Note that this functionality can also be used in conjunction with each other, e.g. to display grouped usage on a custom timeframe.

Custom timeframe

In order to view usage for a custom timeframe rather than the current billing period, specify a timeframe_start and timeframe_end. This will calculate quantities for usage incurred between timeframe_start (inclusive) and timeframe_end (exclusive), i.e. [timeframe_start, timeframe_end).


  • These timestamps must be specified in ISO 8601 format and UTC timezone, e.g. 2022-02-01T05:00:00Z.
  • Both parameters must be specified if either is specified.

Grouping by custom attributes

In order to view a single metric grouped by a specific attribute that each event is tagged with (e.g. cluster), you must additionally specify a billable_metric_id and a group_by key. The group_by key denotes the event property on which to group.

When returning grouped usage, only usage for billable_metric_id is returned, and a separate object in the data array is returned for each value of the group_by key present in your events. The quantity value is the result of evaluating the billable metric for events filtered to a single value of the group_by key.

Orb expects that events that match the billable metric will contain values in the properties dictionary that correspond to the group_by key specified. By default, Orb will not return a null group (i.e. events that match the metric but do not have the key set). Currently, it is only possible to view usage grouped by a single attribute at a time.

When viewing grouped usage, Orb uses pagination to limit the response size to 1000 groups by default. If there are more groups for a given subscription, pagination metadata in the response can be used to fetch all of the data.

The following example shows usage for an "API Requests" billable metric grouped by region. Note the extra metric_group dictionary in the response, which provides metadata about the group:

"data": [
"usage": [
"quantity": 0.19291,
"timeframe_start": "2021-10-01T07:00:00Z",
"timeframe_end": "2021-10-02T07:00:00Z",
"metric_group": {
"property_key": "region",
"property_value": "asia/pacific"
"billable_metric": {
"id": "Fe9pbpMk86xpwdGB",
"name": "API Requests"
"view_mode": "periodic"

Windowed usage

The granularity parameter can be used to window the usage quantity value into periods. When not specified, usage is returned for the entirety of the time range.

When granularity = day is specified with a timeframe longer than a day, Orb will return a quantity value for each full day between timeframe_start and timeframe_end. Note that the days are demarcated by the customer's local midnight.

For example, with timeframe_start = 2022-02-01T05:00:00Z, timeframe_end = 2022-02-04T01:00:00Z and granularity=day, the following windows will be returned for a customer in the America/Los_Angeles timezone since local midnight is 08:00 UTC:

  • [2022-02-01T05:00:00Z, 2022-02-01T08:00:00Z)
  • [2022-02-01T08:00:00, 2022-02-02T08:00:00Z)
  • [2022-02-02T08:00:00, 2022-02-03T08:00:00Z)
  • [2022-02-03T08:00:00, 2022-02-04T01:00:00Z)
"data": [
"billable_metric": {
"id": "Q8w89wjTtBdejXKsm",
"name": "API Requests"
"usage": [
"quantity": 0,
"timeframe_end": "2022-02-01T08:00:00+00:00",
"timeframe_start": "2022-02-01T05:00:00+00:00"

"quantity": 0,
"timeframe_end": "2022-02-02T08:00:00+00:00",
"timeframe_start": "2022-02-01T08:00:00+00:00"
"quantity": 0,
"timeframe_end": "2022-02-03T08:00:00+00:00",
"timeframe_start": "2022-02-02T08:00:00+00:00"
"quantity": 0,
"timeframe_end": "2022-02-04T01:00:00+00:00",
"timeframe_start": "2022-02-03T08:00:00+00:00"
"view_mode": "periodic"

Decomposable vs. non-decomposable metrics

Billable metrics fall into one of two categories: decomposable and non-decomposable. A decomposable billable metric, such as a sum or a count, can be displayed and aggregated across arbitrary timescales. On the other hand, a non-decomposable metric is not meaningful when only a slice of the billing window is considered.

As an example, if we have a billable metric that's defined to count unique users, displaying a graph of unique users for each day is not representative of the billable metric value over the month (days could have an overlapping set of 'unique' users). Instead, what's useful for any given day is the number of unique users in the billing period so far, which are the cumulative unique users.

Accordingly, this endpoint returns treats these two types of metrics differently when group_by is specified:

  • Decomposable metrics can be grouped by any event property.
  • Non-decomposable metrics can only be grouped by the corresponding price's invoice grouping key. If no invoice grouping key is present, the metric does not support group_by.

Matrix prices

When a billable metric is attached to a price that uses matrix pricing, it's important to view usage grouped by those matrix dimensions. In this case, use the query parameters first_dimension_key, first_dimension_value and second_dimension_key, second_dimension_value while filtering to a specific billable_metric_id.

For example, if your compute metric has a separate unit price (i.e. a matrix pricing model) per region and provider, your request might provide the following parameters:

  • first_dimension_key: region
  • first_dimension_value: us-east-1
  • second_dimension_key: provider
  • second_dimension_value: aws
Path Parameters
    subscription_id string required
Query Parameters
    granularity string

    Possible values: [day]

    Default value: day

    timeframe_start date-time
    timeframe_end date-time
    billable_metric_id string
    group_by string
    view_mode string

    Possible values: [periodic, cumulative]

    first_dimension_key string
    first_dimension_value string
    second_dimension_key string
    second_dimension_value string


Response Headers


      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • usage object[] required
    • Array [
    • quantity number required
      timeframe_start date-time required
      timeframe_end date-time required
    • ]
    • billable_metric object required
      id string required
      name string required
      view_mode string required

      Possible values: [periodic, cumulative]

    • ]