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Error response format

Orb's error response format follows RFC7807. Each error response includes:

  • status: Same as the HTTP status code
  • title: Brief description of the error message
  • type: URI that always links to this document for further reference
  • detail: Human readable description providing more insight into the error

Note that error responses may include other keys specific to the error.

"detail": "Could not find a resource of type Plan with identifier: DBhwNcMNfYgeBpn.",
"status": 404,
"title": "A specified resource was not found.",
"type": ""

The following table describes the error types. If you are processing an error programatically, consider using the type URI along with the status code. The type URI is a stable identifier for the class of error.

TitleStatus codeDescriptiontype uri
Authentication failure401Your request did not provide a valid or well-formatted API key.
Request validation error400A request that fails validation will return human-readable information about what went wrong. The error response for this includes an array of validation_errors.
Duplicate resource creation400Returned when the ID passed to the creation request already exists.
Resource not found404This is returned when a provided identifier does not map to a resource that is accessible by the current account.
Feature not available404Returned when the endpoint or feature is behind a feature flag on the server-side and is unavailable for current use.
URL not found404Returned when the requested URL was not found on the server.
Resource conflict409Returned when the request conflicts with another concurrent request that is using the same idempotency key or if the same idempotency key has been used for a request with different parameters. Note that this may also be returned from specific endpoints that require a consistent view of a resource (e.g. the credits ledger) when concurrent requests attempt to modify it. Please retry these errors, as they're expected to be transient in these cases.
Too many requests429Returned when the request rate exceeds the limit.
Internal Server error500This is an internal server crash. The Orb team has been notified!