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List alerts

This endpoint returns a list of alerts within Orb.

The request must specify one of customer_id, external_customer_id, or subscription_id.

If querying by subscripion_id, the endpoint will return the subscription level alerts as well as the plan level alerts associated with the subscription.

The list of alerts is ordered starting from the most recently created alert. This endpoint follows Orb's standardized pagination format.

Query Parameters
    limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 1000

    Default value: 20

    cursor string
    customer_id string
    external_customer_id string
    subscription_id string
    created_at[gte] date-time
    created_at[gt] date-time
    created_at[lt] date-time
    created_at[lte] date-time


Response Headers

      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • id string required

      Also referred to as alert_id in this documentation.

      type string required

      Possible values: [usage_exceeded, cost_exceeded, credit_balance_depleted, credit_balance_dropped, credit_balance_recovered]

      The type of alert. This must be a valid alert type.

      created_at date-time required

      The creation time of the resource in Orb.

      enabled boolean required

      Whether the alert is enabled or disabled.

      thresholds object[] nullable required

      The thresholds that define the conditions under which the alert will be triggered.

    • Array [
    • value number required

      The value at which an alert will fire. For credit balance alerts, the alert will fire at or below this value. For usage and cost alerts, the alert will fire at or above this value.

    • ]
    • customer object nullable required

      The customer the alert applies to.

      property name* string nullable
      plan object nullable required

      The plan the alert applies to.

      property name* string nullable
      subscription object nullable required

      The subscription the alert applies to.

      property name* string nullable
      metric object nullable required

      The metric the alert applies to.

      property name* string nullable
      currency string nullable required

      The name of the currency the credit balance or invoice cost is denominated in.

    • ]
    • pagination_metadata object required
      has_more boolean required
      next_cursor string nullable required