Orb provides the concept of an external_customer_id as an alias to Orb’s own generated customer_id to allow ergonomic interaction with our APIs.

This alias makes the integration process with Orb faster (by preventing the propagation or lookup of an extra piece of metadata) and can have significant consistency benefits as it avoids denormalization of an Orb ID in your system. Orb’s APIs are designed to allow this alias everywhere a customer_id is accepted, rather than restricting its use to specific surface areas.

In order to set up this association, use the Create customer endpoint and optionally pass in an existing identifier native to your system as the external_customer_id. Note that this identifier must be unique across all Customer resources in your Account, but can otherwise be an arbitrary string.

Usage in Orb APIs

This mapping is most useful in the Ingest usage event call, where each event can simply contain a reference to the external_customer_id without looking up any Orb resources.

Orb also provides other convenient APIs using the external_customer_id field, which save you the extra lookup of mapping a native ID to an Orb ID. Any endpoint definition that acts or filters based on a Customer resource will have an accompanying implementation using external_customer_id.

For example, Orb supports both Update customer using the Orb ID as well as the Update customer by external ID action. Similarly, the List Subscriptions endpoint can be filtered either by the customer_id or external_customer_id.

Note that when both external_customer_id and customer_id fields are present as options for an endpoint, Orb expects that you pass in exactly one and not both parameters.

URL encode External Customer IDs

Since the external_customer_id param can be present in a request URL and it may contain special characters, you should always URL encode the value when it’s sent as a path parameter or query parameter.

For example, the ID en/cus/?1500 should be sent in a URL path as en%2Fcus%2F%3F1500.

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