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Fetch price

This endpoint returns a price given an identifier.

Path Parameters
    price_id string required


Response Headers


      id string required
      name string required
      external_price_id string nullable required
      price_type string required

      Possible values: [usage_price, fixed_price]

      model_type string required

      Possible values: [unit]

      created_at date-time required
      cadence string required

      Possible values: [one_time, monthly, quarterly, annual]

      billable_metric object nullable
      id string required
      fixed_price_quantity number nullable required
      plan_phase_order integer nullable required
      currency string required
      conversion_rate number nullable required
      item object required
      id string required
      name string required
      credit_allocation object nullable
      currency string required
      allows_rollover boolean required
      discount object nullable

      discount_type string required

      Possible values: [percentage]

      applies_to_price_ids string[] required

      List of price_ids that this discount applies to. For plan/plan phase discounts, this can be a subset of prices.

      reason string nullable
      percentage_discount number required

      Possible values: <= 1

      Only available if discount_type is percentage. This is a number between 0 and 1.

      minimum object nullable
      minimum_amount string required

      Minimum amount applied

      applies_to_price_ids string[] required

      List of price_ids that this minimum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase minimums, this can be a subset of prices.

      minimum_amount string nullable required
      maximum object nullable
      maximum_amount string required

      Maximum amount applied

      applies_to_price_ids string[] required

      List of price_ids that this maximum amount applies to. For plan/plan phase maximums, this can be a subset of prices.

      maximum_amount string nullable required
      unit_config object required
      unit_amount string required

      Rate per unit of usage
