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Close backfill

Closing a backfill makes the updated usage visible in Orb. Upon closing a backfill, Orb will asynchronously reflect the updated usage in invoice amounts and usage graphs. Once all of the updates are complete, the backfill's status will transition to reflected.

Path Parameters
    backfill_id string required


Response Headers

      id string required
      status BackfillStatus required

      Possible values: [pending, reflected, pending_revert, reverted]

      The status of the backfill.

      created_at date-time required
      timeframe_start date-time required
      timeframe_end date-time required
      events_ingested integer required

      The number of events ingested in this backfill.

      close_time date-time nullable required

      If in the future, the time at which the backfill will automatically close. If in the past, the time at which the backfill was closed.

      reverted_at date-time nullable required

      The time at which this backfill was reverted.

      customer_id string nullable required

      The Orb-generated ID of the customer to which this backfill is scoped. If null, this backfill is scoped to all customers.

      deprecation_filter string nullable

      A boolean computed property used to filter the set of events to deprecate
