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Search events

This endpoint returns a filtered set of events for an account in a paginated list format.

Note that this is a POST endpoint rather than a GET endpoint because it employs a JSON body for search criteria rather than query parameters, allowing for a more flexible search syntax.

Note that a search criteria must be specified. Currently, Orb supports the following criteria:

  • event_ids: This is an explicit array of IDs to filter by. Note that an event's ID is the idempotency_key that was originally used for ingestion.

By default, Orb will not throw a 404 if no events matched, Orb will return an empty array for data instead.

Request Body
    event_ids string[] required

    Possible values: >= 1, <= 500

    This is an explicit array of IDs to filter by. Note that an event's ID is the idempotency_key that was originally used for ingestion, and this only supports events that have not been amended. Values in this array will be treated case sensitively.

    timeframe_start date-time nullable

    The start of the timeframe, inclusive, in which to search events. If not specified, the one week ago is used.

    timeframe_end date-time nullable

    The end of the timeframe, exclusive, in which to search events. If not specified, the current time is used.



Response Headers

      data object[] required
    • Array [
    • id string required

      A unique value, generated by the client, that is used to de-duplicate events. Exactly one event with a given idempotency key will be ingested, which allows for safe request retries.

      customer_id string nullable required

      The Orb Customer identifier

      external_customer_id string nullable required

      An alias for the Orb customer, whose mapping is specified when creating the customer

      event_name string required

      A name to meaningfully identify the action or event type.

      properties object required

      A dictionary of custom properties. Values in this dictionary must be numeric, boolean, or strings. Nested dictionaries are disallowed.

      timestamp date-time required

      An ISO 8601 format date with no timezone offset (i.e. UTC). This should represent the time that usage was recorded, and is particularly important to attribute usage to a given billing period.

      deprecated boolean required

      A boolean indicating whether the event is currently deprecated.

    • ]